Firefly Bag

Firefly Pose or Tittibhasana is a demanding yoga pose that challenges both strength and balance. This position strengthens the arms , core and hamstrings , while improving flexibility in the hips and thighs. It is an advanced position that requires well-developed body awareness and control.

Correct execution

How to perform Tittibhasana:

  1. Starting position: Begin in a deep squat ( Malasana ), with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  2. Arm placement: Place your hands on the ground, shoulder width apart, and slide your arms under your thighs as far back as possible.
  3. Weight shift: Lean forward, put weight on your hands and lift your feet off the ground.
  4. Leg Stretch: Extend your legs out to the sides, keeping your core tight to maintain balance.
  5. Hold the position: Look ahead and try to hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Increase the time as you get stronger.

Common errors

  • Round back: A common mistake is to bend the back, which can lead to poor balance. Focus on lifting your chest and tightening your core.
  • Poor hand placement: Hands should be shoulder width apart with fingers spread for a stable base.
  • Lack of leg activation: It is important to push the legs actively outwards to keep the body stable in the air.

Modifications and variants

For beginners, or those who want a less demanding version, you can try the following:

  • Bending knees: If it is difficult to fully extend your legs, you can keep your knees slightly bent while you focus on balance.
  • Use yoga blocks: Place blocks under your hands to give more height and make it easier to lift your body.

Repetitions and sets

Firefly Pose is usually held in time rather than repetitions. Start by holding the position for 5-10 seconds and work your way up to 30 seconds as you get stronger. Repeat the position 3-5 times during the practice.

Breathing techniques

Control your breathing to maintain calm and balance. Inhale as you prepare to lift into the position, and exhale as you extend your legs and keep your core engaged. Calm and steady breathing helps you keep your body stable.

Visual angles and tips

When practicing Firefly Pose, it may be helpful to use these visual cues:

  • Front view: Make sure your legs are stretched out to the sides, with your toes pointing forward.
  • Side view: Keep a slight arch in your back and your chest lifted for better balance.
  • Hand placement: Hands should be placed directly under the shoulders, with fingers spread for support.
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