High Bar Barbell Squat

The High Bar Barbell Squat is a classic variation of the squat that mainly targets the quadriceps , gluteal muscles and hamstrings . This exercise places the bar higher on the back than other variations, such as the low bar squat, which creates a more upright torso and focuses more on the front of the thighs. High bar squats are an excellent exercise for building lower body strength and improving hip mobility.

Correct Execution and Technique

Follow these steps to perform a proper High Bar Barbell Squat :

  1. Place the bar on a rack at shoulder height. Stand under the bar and place it high on the trapezius muscles, just below the neck.
  2. Grasp the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and pull your elbows slightly backwards.
  3. Step back from the rack and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, with your toes slightly pointing outwards.
  4. Inhale deeply, tighten your core, and lower yourself into a controlled squat by bending your knees. Keep your back straight and your torso as upright as possible.
  5. Lower your hips until they are below parallel with your knees, then push back up by pushing through your heels and activating your quadriceps and glutes.
  6. Exhale as you rise to the starting position, keeping your gaze forward to maintain balance.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes to perform the High Bar Barbell Squat correctly and effectively:

  • Collapsing knees: Make sure the knees move in line with the toes to avoid strain on the joints.
  • Leaning forward shoulders: Keep the upper body upright and the chest forward to avoid overloading the lower back.
  • Poor depth: Be sure to lower your hips below parallel to fully activate the muscles.

Video: High Bar Barbell Squat Demonstration

Watch this video for a detailed demonstration of proper High Bar Barbell Squat technique:

Modifications and Variations

Here are some ways to vary or adapt the High Bar Barbell Squat to your skill level:

  • Beginners: Use a light barbell or PVC pipe to practice the technique before adding weights.
  • Advanced: Gradually increase the weight or try pause squats, where you hold the bottom of the squat for 2-3 seconds before pushing back up.

Repetitions and Sets

Recommended repetitions and sets of the High Bar Barbell Squat based on your fitness level:

  • Beginners: Start with 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions with light to moderate weight.
  • Intermediate: Perform 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions with a moderate weight to build muscle mass.
  • Advanced: Complete 4-5 sets of 5-6 repetitions with heavier weights to focus on maximal strength.

Breathing technique

Correct breathing technique is essential to maintaining stability and control throughout the movement:

  • Inhale: Inhale deeply before starting the movement down into the squat to tighten the core.
  • Exhale: Exhale as you push yourself up to the starting position.
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