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How to keep up the good routines

You have started your training, but struggle to keep your motivation up. Perhaps you have reached the goals you set when you first started, or you have trouble seeing the results. Below we share some good tips and tricks on how to avoid losing motivation. How to get started with training

Discipline and good routines

It's easy to come up with excuses not to go for that jog or hit the gym. The more times you allow yourself to stay on the couch instead of training, the closer you are to breaking the good routines you were on your way to establish.

It's also important not to take on a new workout every single time, but to have a few fixed sessions over a short period. When you stop seeing results from these sessions, you can implement some new exercises.

Are you anxious about the pandemic or just not keen on there being a lot of people at the gym? Many gyms have booking requirements to control the numbers. This is a nice tool for those who do not want too many people at the gym. You can also visit the gym's websites to see expected attendance throughout the day, and how many people have shown up so far. Read also: How to gain self-confidence at the gym

Set both long-term and short-term goals

If the goal is to get to training today, then that is a good goal; once you decide to train, it becomes easier to accomplish that goal.

Why do you train? You might want to train to change your appearance, but once you reach that goal, it's important to have other goals to work towards so that your motivation doesn't fade. Many train because it affects how they can utilize their everyday life; it may be necessary for functioning in daily life, either physically or mentally. Others train because it gives them a sense of accomplishment. Or perhaps your long-term goal is to be able to run a certain distance or do a pull-up unassisted. Whatever it may be, it is important to set goals, write them down in a notebook or on your phone, and work towards them; note how close you get and the date so you can look back on how far you've come. Read more about Injury prevention training

How do you find inspiration and motivation?

Social media can be a fantastic place to find inspiration. Find people who positively influence you. If you’re not entirely comfortable with all the equipment at the gym or need tips on exercises you can do at home, these people can serve as great resources.

There are many influencers out there who post simple workout routines, demonstrating how to perform the exercises and sharing other relevant information, making it easy to follow the session without prior knowledge.  Instagram and TikTok are great platforms for this purpose. At Famme, we have several fitness-loving girls who regularly share simple sessions and challenges on our social channels. Read also: The best strength exercises for the whole body

New workout clothes

Often, all it takes for a boost of motivation is a little new workout gear. It’s important to feel good in order to perform well. A positive mindset contributes to you giving that little extra to perform better in training. It doesn’t have to be expensive to get quality garments that you feel good in.

At Famme there are often discounts on many of the customers' favorites; treat yourself to a new piece and feel a renewed joy in training without breaking the bank.

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Body fuel

What do you fill your body with? To perform your best during workouts, it's important to pay attention to what you choose to fuel your body with. Healthy, protein-rich food doesn’t have to be boring; do some research on your social channels or visit your nearest bookstore. There are many fantastic dishes that are both simple and good; challenge yourself to try a new dish each week. You are already on your way to forming some new and good routines!

Train with friends

For some, training with friends provides that extra motivation needed to overcome the hurdle of getting started. It’s harder to come up with an excuse when it’s not just for yourself. For some, training with friends inspires new exercises that they may not have tried before. If you have a busy everyday life, it's a great way to combine socializing and working out.  Here we have included some great workouts for you and your friend.

Read also: Meditation and mindfulness

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