Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a simple but highly effective cardio exercise that trains the whole body. This exercise is perfect for increasing the heart rate, strengthening the leg muscles, improving coordination and burning calories. Jumping jacks activate muscles in the shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs and calves, making them ideal for warming up or as part of high-intensity training sessions.

Correct form and technique

How to perform jumping jacks correctly:

  1. Start with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  2. Jump up while spreading your legs out to the sides and raising your arms above your head at the same time.
  3. Land softly with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and lower your arms back to the starting position.
  4. Continue to jump in and out in a smooth motion, keeping your core tight to stabilize your body.

Focus on keeping a steady pace and always land with soft knees to protect your joints.

Common errors

Avoid these common mistakes to get the most out of jumping jacks:

  • Fast, uncontrolled jumping: Avoid jumping too fast without control. Focus on precision and balance.
  • Landing with stiff legs: Be sure to bend your knees when you land to reduce the stress on your joints.
  • Unnecessary tension in the shoulders: Keep your shoulders relaxed while moving your arms up and down.

Modifications and variations

Here are some ways to adapt the exercise:

  • Beginners: You can reduce the intensity by performing a modified version where you step out instead of jumping.
  • Advanced: To increase the intensity, you can add weight vests or increase the speed of an interval training session.

Number of repetitions and sets

Perform 30-60 seconds of jumping jacks, depending on your fitness level, and repeat for 3-4 sets as part of your warm-up or main session.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you bring your feet together and exhale as you jump out with your arms raised. This helps maintain a steady pace and keeps the intensity up.

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